
TSEV is the one and only international training foundation in insurance sector in Turkey. Teaching staff of TSEV consists of specialists who had work experience in many years in sector or still work in the field; managers; government executives who are responsible to prepare the regulations; academicians and professionals. Training programs are prepared in the light of the current applications and sample cases.

In addition, if 75 percent of participants indicates that the training program is useless for them; TSEV gives back to the education fee or reorganizes the training program with the new instructor.

Because of all these qualifications, certificates that are given by TSEV have a brand equity in sector.

You can get your order by sending an e-mail to the tsev@tsev.org.tr with the name of publication that you wanted in TSEV’s publications and abstract of account that proves your payment. Your orders will send by cargo between in 3 or 5 days.

Sending publications are not refunded. The shipment fee will be paid by TSEV.

TSEV Bank Account
İş Bankası Teşvikiye Branch
Routing number:1074
IBAN: TR78 0006 4000 0011 0740 4282 20

You can send an e-mail to the egitim@tsev.org.tr with your name, the name of your working place and your e-mail address or it is enough to admit to the e-bulletin in TSEV’s home page.

The language of TSEV’s training programs is Turkish. However, the requested training programs can be arranged in English.

TSEV arranges company exclusive training programs in the field of insurance and risk management for the different sectors such as banking business, telecom, construction sector, logistics, finance etc. You can get more detailed information from TSEV Training Unit.

Basic Insurance Training Program is divided into two parts as day and night. It is planned in 3 days (3 hours a day) in a week. The day groups’ classes end in 4.30 pm and night groups’ classes start in 05.00 pm.

Advanced Level Insurance Training Programs’ classes start in 5.00 pm.

Legislative Alignment Training Programs’ classes and Short Term Training Programs’ classes start in morning or afternoon depending upon the programs’ length.

Basic Insurance Training Program continues throughout the year. (starting from October to the June.)

Advanced Level Insurance Training Programs continues 2 or 4 month depending upon the courses’ length.

Legislative Alignment Training Programs continues half a day or seven days.

Short Term Training Programs continues half a day or five days.

Requested training programs’ schedule is determined by the needs of companies.

Training programs are fee charged. The wage of training programs is changing depending upon length of trainings and its’ level.

To get more information, please look at the page of “Trainings” in our home page and/or contact with TSEV Training Unit.

You can find these publications below:

Insurance Research Journal (SAD) 9,


European Conference Of The National Institutes For Professional Insurance Education

Insurance and Reinsurance For Natural Catastrophe Risk – I. International Insurance Symposium

European Union Insurance Legislation and Implementation – Seminar Held in Cooperation with TSRSB and TAIEX.

You can buy TSEV’s publications via bank transfer or by coming to our foundation.

TSEV’s Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs
0212 296 22 57  #114
e-mail: tsev@tsev.org.tr

TSEV has 5 main groups of publications such as Insurance Research Journal, Insurance Research and Examination Periodical, Conference books, lecture notes and electronic bulletin.

Apart from arranging training programmes, TSEV makes contribution to the insurance sector in Turkey and makes collaboration with universities.

In this context, TSEV arranges “Insurance Training Seminars” for free at universities that have two or four years insurance departments under the sponsorship of Insurance Companies.

In these seminars, students from all over Turkey are informed about the recent developments and EU harmonization process.

In addition, TSEV arranges seminars that are aimed to increase consciousness about insurance for the ones who are students of engineering, economics, business and medicine faculties. By doing these seminars, thousands of students learn the concept of insurance, insurance institutions, the importance of insurance in people’s life and risk factors etc.

In addition, TSEV announces the symposium, conferences, contests etc. to the sector and university students. TSEV supports many of the scientific events by attending these events committees and sending speakers to these events.

TSEV gives training support to the banks, boards of trade and many of institutions which are related to the insurance sector directly or indirectly outside of the Istanbul. Moreover, TSEV organizes trainings on insurance and its branches also outside of Turkey.

TSEV gives scholarship to the student who graduates in the first place from the Basic Insurance Training Programme to study abroad. In addition, TSEV makes a discount to the academicians and students for all of courses. Moreover, starting from 2017, successful new graduates are accepted to the Basic Insurance Training Programme with 100% scholarship.

TSEV gives guarantee for participants’ satisfaction. After each training programme, TSEV conducts a poll with its participantsfor each training programme. If 75 percent of participants indicate that the training programme is useless for them; TSEV gives back to the training fee or reorganizes the training programme with the new instructor.

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