TSEV brings in something new. Prof. Emiliano Valdez will give training for the first time in TSEV with the Actuary Association’s support. Context of training is “Actuarial Risk Modelling and Data Analizing using with R” and it is planned for February 2020. Training will be held in February 20-21 and February 24-25 since the heavy demand. The aim of training is to help users to use the R programme which is for risk modelling. Also, objectives of programme is to teach the applications of actuarial science, finance and quantitative risk management. Prof. Valdez is a writer of the “Actuarial Statistics with R”.

The price of training is 2,600 TL (8% VAT is not included). You can find detailed information about the programme below:

February 21-22:  https://tsev.org.tr/egitim-detay/8571/r-ile-aktueryal-risk-modelleme-ve-data-analizi-ingilizce

February 24-25: https://tsev.org.tr/egitim-detay/8580/r-ile-aktueryal-risk-modelleme-ve-data-analizi-ingilizce

NOTE: Deadline for withdrawal is in October 31, 2019.